Arch Linux Installation Guide

Arch Linux Installation Guide

Arch Linux installation methods are changing from time to time and as per the request of many, I’ll give you the recent method.

Connecting to WiFi

The first step is to connect your computer to the network. You can skip these steps if you are connected to the network with a network cable.

In the current Arch Linux installation images, iwctl is used to connect to the WiFi networks.

Get the Interactive Prompt

Use the following command to get the interactive prompt of iwctl.

root@archiso ~ # iwctl

Get the WiFi devices list

Use the following command to list the WiFi devices on your computer that you have to use in the rest of the commands.

[iwd]# device list

And you will get a result that looks like below.

                              Devices                                *
Name      Address             Powered   Adapter   Mode
wlan0     xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx   on        phy0      station

Your device name will be wlan0 which is going to be used from the next command.

Scan for WiFi networks

Use the following command to scan for WiFi networks around you.

[iwd]# station wlan0 scan

View scanned results

Use the following command to view the scanned networks around you.

[iwd]# station wlan0 get-networks

And you will be getting an output that looks like below.

                          Available Networks                       *
 Network name             Security               Signal       
Home LTE                 psk                    *****
AHCD                     psk                    *

Connect to the network

Use the following command to connect to the WiFi network that you found in the previous one.

[iwd]# station wlan0 connect 'Home LTE'

And type the passphrase for the network

Type the network passphrase for Home LTE psk.
Passphrase: ****

Exit from the iwd prompt.

[iwd]# exit


Try pinging to verify if the connection is successful.

root@archiso ~ # ping

Setting up the disk

Create root partition

Open your disk with gdisk from the following command.

root@archiso ~ # gdisk /dev/sdx

Create a new partition for the root.

Command (? for help): n

Enter to select default values

Partition number: [Enter]
First sector: [Enter]

Put your partition size as the last sector value. Here I have put 100GB.

Last sector: +100G

Put 8304 as the code to set the partition type to Linux x86-64 root (/).

Hex code or GUID: 8304

Create home partition

Repeat the same procedure to create a partition for the home. Put 8302 as the Hex code to set the partition type to Linux /home.

Command (? for help): n
Partition number: [Enter]
First sector: [Enter]
Last sector: +200G
Hex code or GUID: 8302

Create swap partition

Again repeat the same procedure to create a swap partition. It’s better if you use twice your RAM size for the partition size here. Also, put 8200 as the Hex code to set the partition type to Linux swap.

Command (? for help): n
Partition number: [Enter]
First sector: [Enter]
Last sector: +16G
Hex code or GUID: 8200

Write changes

Write the changes to the disk with the following command

Command (? for help): w
Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): Y

List partitions

Use the following command to print the list of the partitions. Note down the partition numbers for the EFI, Linux root, Linux home and Linux swap partitions.

root@archiso ~ # gdisk -l /dev/sdx

Format partitions

Format the root and home partitions with the following commands

root@archiso ~ # mkfs.ext4 -L "Arch Linux Root" /dev/sdxy
root@archiso ~ # mkfs.ext4 -L "Arch Linux Home" /dev/sdxy

Enable swap partition

Use the following commands to enable the swap partition.

root@archiso ~ # mkswap /dev/sdxy
root@archiso ~ # swapon /dev/sdxy

Mount partitions

Use the following commands to mount root and home partitions

root@archiso ~ # mount /dev/sdxy /mnt
root@archiso ~ # mkdir /mnt/home
root@archiso ~ # mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/home


Install essential packages

Use the following command to install the base and essential packages.

root@archiso ~ # pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware

Mount boot partition

Use the following command to mount the EFI partition.

root@archiso ~ # mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
root@archiso ~ # mount /dev/sdxy /mnt/boot/efi

Configure fstab

root@archiso ~ # genfstab  -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

Change root

Use the following command to change the root to the new installation.

root@archiso ~ # arch-chroot /mnt

Install packages

Install iwd, nano, dhcpcd packages to be used in the later of this article.

[root@archiso /]# pacman -S iwd nano dhcpcd

Setup the timezone

Use the following commands to set the timezone

[root@archiso /]# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime
[root@archiso /]# hwclock --systohc

Setup Localization

Open the locale.gen file,

[root@archiso /]# nano /etc/locale.gen

and uncomment required languages

en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

and, save and exit. Then use the following commands to set up the rest of the localization.

[root@archiso /]# echo LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
[root@archiso /]# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
[root@archiso /]# locale-gen

Setup network configurations

Use the following command with your hostname to set up the hostname.

[root@archiso /]# echo yourHostName > /etc/hostname

Package Manager Configurations

Open /etc/pacman.conf,

[root@archiso /]# nano /etc/pacman.conf

Uncomment lines under [multilib] to enable 32bit packages in pacman and, save and exit. And use the following command to sync packages.

[root@archiso /]# pacman -Sy

Root password

Use the following command to set the root password.

[root@archiso /]# passwd

Setup the bootloader

Here I have used GRUB as the bootloader. Use the following command to install GRUB packages for EFI system.

[root@archiso /]# pacman -S grub efibootmgr

Use the following command to install grub bootloader to your system. Here my system is an x86_64 system.

[root@archiso /]# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB

If all success you will get a message saying that there’s no error is reported.

Write the settings to grub config file with the following command.

[root@archiso /]# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg


Now the installation is finished. Unmount and reboot with the following commands.

[root@archiso /]# exit
root@archiso ~ # umount -R /mnt
root@archiso ~ # reboot

If there’s no issue, you’ll be able to see Linux is booting with the grub bootloader.

Post Installation

Once the system is booted login into the system using the previously created password.

yourHostName login: root
Password: <root password>

You’ll get,

[root@yourHostName ~]#

if the login is successful.

Start services

Use the following commands to start required services. If you are connected to the network with a cable, you won’t need to start the iwd service.

[root@yourHostName ~]# systemctl start dhcpcd
[root@yourHostName ~]# systemctl start iwd

Connect to the WiFi

Use the way at the beginning of this article to connect to the WiFi network.

Install required packages

Use the following command to install the X environment group.

[root@yourHostName ~]# pacman -S xorg

Use the following command to install other required packages.

[root@yourHostName ~]# pacman -S mesa ttf-dejavu alsa-utils pulseaudio sudo

Create a user

Use the following command with your user name.

[root@yourHostName ~]# useradd -m -s /bin/bash yourUserName

and add a password to the user that you have just created.

[root@yourHostName ~]# passwd yourUserName

Then add the user to the sudoers file. First, open the sudoers file,

[root@yourHostName ~]# EDITOR=nano visudo

add yourUserName ALL=(ALL) ALL after root ALL=(ALL) ALL line in the file. Then save and exit.

Install a Desktop Environment

I selected KDE as the DE here. Use the following command to install KDE.

[root@yourHostName ~]# pacman -S plasma plasma-wayland-session kde-applications

Enable services

Use the following commands to enable display manager and network-manager services.

[root@yourHostName ~]# systemctl enable sddm
[root@yourHostName ~]# systemctl enable NetworkManager

Dual boot with Windows

If you want to add Windows boot manager to grub, install the following package.

[root@yourHostName ~]# pacman -S os-prober

And then use the following command.

[root@yourHostName ~]# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

You’ll be able to see Windows Boot Manager during the process.

Other required packages

Following packages will make your life easier with the new installation.

[root@yourHostName ~]# pacman - ntfs-3g gst-libav

So that’s it

If you have any suggestions or questions about this guide, comment here or send me an email.

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